“Hyperventilating through the Pandemic, Don’t Get A Brown Bag – ‘Just Breathe'”
May 13th, 2020 12:00pm – 1:00pm (MDT) Recording Available
Presenter: Sharon Greene-Golden, BA, CRCST, CER, SME, FCS
Manager, Sterile Processing Department Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center (Rockville, Maryland)
Objectives of this webinar:
- To share ways to help staff get past the fear of our PANDEMIC.
- To understand that you (individual) are the most important person that needs care as a frontline worker.
- To obtain ways to relax settle your mind and “BREATHE” during this pandemic.
To earn 1.0 CE credit, you may watch a recording of the webinar below and follow the directions in the video to obtain your certificate. A copy of the slides is also available by clicking here.

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